Another ‘Thank You’ note ~~


A simple generous Thank You to everyone who has been there with me on this journey. I started this blog last August, oblivious of the fact whether it’s a good idea or not. I had always enjoyed writing but never ever have I thought of putting my writing stuff on public platform thinking that those were never good enough. I had been thinking this for Years but then one day I just started it without giving any more thoughts. So far it has been delightful, insightful adventure with all the refined souls encouraging me to express openly. It’s because of you all that I able to progress more, became more confident about my writings.

I had never expected that I would receive so much of love and support from you all. You people took out time from your precious lives, gave it to my newbie page and that’s how my little world started growing. I would like to express deep gratitude from the bottom of my heart & thank everyone for your mystical presence and benevolent contribution.

Thanks again! Much love ?


When a heart breaks… || NaPoWrMo

It calls out that Name

Screaming too numbly.

Sobbing with memories

Coz one had to turn shoulder coldly

Abandonment chafes your neck

With an invisible noose rubbing sluggishly

Soreness in veins

Weariness in eyes

But Smiling as a sunshine

As if everything is so fine.

What’s worse when both are right

Yet innocent heart pays the price.

P.C. Will O

Have a Gooood Night!

My little girl awoke me with a jerk in the middle of night. With blood spurting out of her feet, screaming, weeping she sobbed that some huge giant shadow hurt her with an axe.

Terrified I sprung out of my bed and ran towards the hallway only to realize that when did I ever had a kid.
I had always been living alone.

The Scars I liked…

Wailing emotions
Howling distances
Prolonging our Union;

Your brooding absence
Summons gracefully
Our demure alliance

Accepting gladly the vulnerabilities
You left me a soulful mark
Like a Talisman

When embraced my gawky charm
Drinking you as an elixir
I refined clumsiness

Serendipity knocked door through you
Left me starving for more
Slit open my chambers of heart

Marks of your affection
Though scarred me for life
Yet are worn in elegance