When a heart breaks… || NaPoWrMo

It calls out that Name

Screaming too numbly.

Sobbing with memories

Coz one had to turn shoulder coldly

Abandonment chafes your neck

With an invisible noose rubbing sluggishly

Soreness in veins

Weariness in eyes

But Smiling as a sunshine

As if everything is so fine.

What’s worse when both are right

Yet innocent heart pays the price.

P.C. Will O

The Scars I liked…

Wailing emotions
Howling distances
Prolonging our Union;

Your brooding absence
Summons gracefully
Our demure alliance

Accepting gladly the vulnerabilities
You left me a soulful mark
Like a Talisman

When embraced my gawky charm
Drinking you as an elixir
I refined clumsiness

Serendipity knocked door through you
Left me starving for more
Slit open my chambers of heart

Marks of your affection
Though scarred me for life
Yet are worn in elegance

Beauty Inside Out

Brushes of Golden spark,
Igniting enigmatic eyes….
Bringing out the beauty inside out.

Often they say “you’re beautiful”,
Seldom they mean…
Invariably unfailingly they match beauty inside and out.

Capricious souls, always on lookout
Claiming to love roses with thorns…
Petrified with inside beauty if blown out.

Malignant steps attempting to curb the blaze
Demanding normality…
For they dread the glowing light shining out

It’s time to oppose the crowd
Leaving those hollow soothings unanswered…
Use that helpless wonder for the fears to break out.

As the sun sets to rest
Glorious reality checking in…
Take that burning desire to shine from inside and out.

Happy Women’s Day

One more time
I drowned in emotions
One more time they were
Deeper than the grieving oceans
Knees on ground
Head bowed down
A hard slap on my earnest devotion
Miracle struck
In the midst of treacheries
A firm grip tore down my story’s convolutions
Was it a man?
Was it an angel?
That strong zeal could lead the mountains in motion
Well, it was a ‘she’
A fearless warrior,
a fire worth creating & destroying a life
Carrying enormous amount of love potion…


Happy women’s day to all the lovely ladies and to all the Men loving supporting and respecting her. Love to all


Shy Shore awaits the Tides 
Embracing them when they come by
Cuddling it hard before letting go
Anticipation added as another woe.

Moon hauls the tides,
hearing those wailings
So Shore could enfold them a little longer happily and squealing

But as they say, there’s always two sides of a story
Nobody sees the rigorous effort the Tides carry

Throbing through their own pressure
Brawls with Rocks for fleeting pleasure
Reaches shore with a fervent need
Making erotic love before it recedes

Leaves silently with an unsaid promise
To rejoin soon when the time is cosmic
The curse is lifted only for an instant
But it reassures- the absence of one is an indication of other to be non-existent

You And I

Look at me and
You can see your heartbeat.
An eyeful inspection &
You can see your own dreams.
Peep through your own soul
And You’d find me.

I were you and you were me
Ever since the first gaze.

A rough draft of your future
Gained a foothold on my devotion
Our clumsy Gluttony fondness
Found each other with hungry keenness
Look for that appetite
And you’d find your own cravings.

Bare out the constraints &
You’d see an incredible acceptance,
An acknowledgement,
An approval
Of your melting wounds dying to be healed.

Look for that magical potion and
You’d find your sorcerer.
I’m the chalice of your conjured up magic
The magic which exists only between you and I.
Magic that bewitched us

Throwing us into an exquisite eternal maze
For I were you and you were me ….
Ever since the first gaze.