You may forget the words shared…
But you’ll never forget the silence shared with someone.
You may forget the words shared…
But you’ll never forget the silence shared with someone.
Once there was a simple man
Selling his all dreams and plans
“1 balloon for 5”
Today his pocket fairly thrived
Scorching heat accepted defeat
Thinking how could this man cheat.
His body used to dry out everyday
But today….
He’s smiling, he’s happy
Am I losing my edge to desiccate?
Man went along with this thoughts
With all the happy toys he bought
“My daughter will be so excited”
The only scenario he ever sighted.
“My daddy is very rich
He gets me all kind of gifts”
Wherein in the parallel universe
a daughter had all her words well-rehearsed.
That 5-year-old knew how took a stand
Shameful comments & bullying one day had to end.
“Your daddy gives gizmos
Mine saves me his precious time.
Your daddy doesn’t know the standard you’re in
My daddy remembers how many ponytails I like”
Pity that you’re poor nor I.
because you only have money
And I have all the wealth in one tough guy“
With those courageous words
she moved far ahead.
As the dusk aiming the limelight
Time came to meet her knight.
Wide opened arms dangled over his neck
Her grin too invaluable than any bills or paycheck.
Little fingers started playing with her things
and inquisitive eyes all ready to shoot endless queries.
“We get water only once in our tap
so I saved some water in my bottle for you to have
Isn’t it too hot for you to work, Father?
I’ll never let you work once I’m older“
Innocent goals, her sweet determination
brimming eyes quenches the thirst with her unnerving resolutions
Those 5 sips from her bottle did the magic
Which no gallons of water ever could.
“C’mon, smile. We are here for you”
cheered others.
“But why do these humans have to bang MY head to relieve their OWN stress”,
wailed the EnterKey
I’m not supposed to move that heart which isn’t mine since the beginning
I’m not supposed to be loved by that heart which won’t be mine in the end.
I was not supposed to meet that heart at all which will never ever be mine…
My friend and I were having a heated conversation over something in her room & I realized that it got dark outside for I had to reach home in time. Suddenly the lights went off. And in a flickered moment it came back. So, I continued with my immature obnoxious comments that I hate her, won’t talk to her again, in fact will leave her right this moment in a non-serious tone because I knew I had to rush back to my far-away home. As I was climbing down her bed she grabbed me by my arm so hard that almost pulled me towards her.
“What did you say? Are you going to leave me?”
I admit I got a bit scared. I had never seen her like this before. But since we were already arguing & that it would seem so foolishly coward admitting that I got scared of her murderous look , I retorted. “Yes! I will.”
With the same chilling but cool look she replied “Then I am going to cut you into pieces.”
I saw her eyes entering blood , her grip turning harder which made me sure will leave imprints on my arm & before I knew I screamed at her “What the hell is happening to you?”
A loud thud at the door drove my attention from her and there I see her, again, standing at the doorway with torch in her hand. As frightened as I was she asked “Why are you screaming?”
In a total bewilderment, I looked at my friend first at the doorway and then the one holding me tight in her own bed.
Finally upon finding words I asked “How come you’re standing there with that torch. You were here with me.”
The look on her face made me look like an idiot so she stated,
“I told you I am going to find torch because the electricity went out & I didn’t know where mom kept it so it took me around 15-20 mins to find it. What happened to you?”
I couldn’t speak. Hundred of thoughts occupied my mind. Was the electricity gone for this long? But it came back, within a second. And why the hell she seems oblivious of the fact that there is another her sitting on her bed. Can’t she see her?
But she continued, “Oh! I forgot to tell you I have telephoned you Mom so you’re staying at my place today. Dad told me there’s some bad, weird activity going in our neighborhood so suggesting us to stay at home.”
With a smile she turned to leave but stopped to ask what I wanted for dinner.
Gauging my reaction she assured me, “Don’t worry, you will be safe here.”
“By the way, who were you arguing with? Her?”
I froze.
She finally looked at her other self, with that same crooked smile she closed the door behind her & left.
The act of crucifying or execution of {it}- the Soul.
Can you even count the number of times you have crufied your own soul for over little things.
Was ill-treating your soul on THAT night, a good idea? Rather than taking a necessary catnap.
The painful suffering you let it go through because you couldn’t silence your mind.
Harassing it over and over again because the other person made you feel so low about yourself just because you expected them to stand by you in the hour of need since for them you were their backbone.
The excruciating pain it went through seeing you in denial when you hoped that you are as important to them as you thought yourselves to be.
Those endless torment sessions where your chest was about to burst out, those nauseous smiles you had to give to pretend you were OKAY, do you know how brutally it crucified your soul everytime…
Inadvertently criticizing it to the limit where you completely changed yourself. Some for good, some for bad but it DID change you.
Those elements were basically scourge on your soul.
These times do come and will always come but Beware, not to give in, not to put yourself in self-doubt, not your soul to be martyred at someone else’s mercy.
YOU have to come out of it, beautiful & strong than ever.
The more time I’m spending on blog, the more I feel like sharing little things with my blogger family.
So for today, Commandments from Senior authorities came to clear up space because apparently my these little babies taking too much of it. (really?).
So this was just one corner, have 3 more like these + 1k books in my computer as e-books categorized as per Author’s name which further has been sorted alphabetically + 300 books on my Kindle currently and yet I’m greedy for more.
Like any other avid reader I wish to have my own library so that my all hard bounds are at one place, smiling gaily at me. ? But then there are some orders from your Mother which you just can’t defy. Well, according to her I have to give up some of these because I keep on adding more and more to my hungry shelves ? She perfectly understands my fetish for my casebound friends, so she knows its never going to happen and soon she will be helpless in front of my insatiable appetite.
This is a tradition which is being followed every year. I’m asked rather demanded to clean up all the shelves and with that she means -if you have read the book don’t keep it with you anymore. With that setup in my mind I start my Sunday morning checking each and every book that I have read thinking that this time I will surely take out few so that I can add more to my collection.
The moment my hand touches the first book I reminisce about the time I touched that book for the first time. And It was ‘Pride and Prejudice’ by ‘Jane Austen’. I mean I ask all of you -How on Earth can someone ever get rid of this book?? How?? I mean this was my life’s first romantic novel. Before that I used to read all the thriller and horror stuff & used to think I’ll never get accustomed to romantics. Unlike that notion this novel appeared in front of me and then stayed forever.
I hugged that book so hard and placed on the shelf as it was before. No, I can’t give up this one. Then comes the next, taking it in my hands reminds me of the hilarious events in the book. No not this either. With that, it starts ?
Okay! Next! “Ohh this was a gift. Gifts are not meant to be thrown away.”. Next – ” oh god! it had such great storyline, I might read it again”. Next- “This was the time when I deliberately cancelled on my friends to read it, hahaha lovely memory of this book, can’t give it away”. Next one “I havent read it. It was awarded as a prize to my brother with success motivation stories which of course he didn’t read & eventually landed on my lap. No ungrateful soul can throw away un-read books, can they?”
So, in the end I couldn’t find a single one to give away. Though it’s right to lend books to someone who enjoys reading too so that they would be in safe deserving hands. Seems like I become too selfish when it comes to books but this time I would really try to overcome that fear ?
If any one of you ever experienced the same thing, do share!
P.S. The light appearing at the rear is exactly what books give us- The Wisdom Aura ?