Why does the Sun rises and sets?

Disclaimer: Keep your ledger of facts aside and hope on a journey with me in a train of imagination.

Long long time ago there was a Star Mother called Azura. She had four children stars (S)un, (T)esni, (A)ltan and (R)oxana. Their powers in chronological order.
2 sons (Sun and Altan) and 2 daughters (Tesni and Roxana). All the siblings were responsible for shining at their own schedules. But once in a while they used to turn down their brightness and step down on the ground to rejuvenate.

One fine day, Roxana came down to earth to appreciate the marvelous beauty and hues unlike their own land where it was mostly blank, black vastness.

Even when Roxana wasn’t shining in her full form she still held the radiance which led every passerby on earth, to turn and take a good look at her. She met a great man on one of her visit since his widespread fame was now talks of the heavens too. She fell in love with the man. His name was Alexander.

Sun was the eldest sibling responsible of all of them. He was quite carefree in nature and not as much strict as the 3rd brother Altan. Their mother was growing old and Sun was taking care of the roles, schedules, positions so that the work is carried out with ease. Their life was full of comfort and powerful meteor-showers games. They all knew they had one rule to follow ‘not to ever be courted by a human being’

Roxana came back from her trip when she got to know by her other star friends that a man named Alexander was looking desparately for a woman who looked a lot like her. Roxana believed it wasn’t just her, Alexander too, had feelings for her. That’s when Roxana decided to go back to earth. She announced it to everyone and started preparing for the journey.

Sun, being the eldest tried his best to explain her how she would not be able to live there permanently because sooner or later she had to return to her flare-full, blinking form and Earth would be devastated if Roxana ever turned into her original self while her feet touching the ground.

Roxana promised to dim herself for as long as she could. Tesni, her sister, understanding Roxana’s love stricken heart, lent her a special ring that would keep the light at the lowest sparkles but that made Tesni not being able to visit the earth ever again.
Roxana left for earth looking for permanent residence there.

This news was abhorrently taken by Mother Azura and brother Altan. Sun tried his best to calm them down but things were going out of hand. Finally brother Altan came down to earth to take Roxana away but she refused. This made him angrier and he declared war on Alexander, the great.
Alexander being a legendary figure in leading excellent militaries, accepted the challenge thinking he could defeat the demi-gods too.

Roxana heard this and persuaded Alexander to let her talk to her brother one last time and if she fails then both can then proceed with the war.

Alexander agreed and Roxana left earth to meet his brother in the black vastness. Both had endless arguments and no one wanted to give up. Altan was now raging with flames around him and gave Roxana last chance before attacking. Roxana too, came in her blaring form to fight Altan. There were extreme thundering storms forming up above but the temperature down there on earth started to melt castles, and mountains.

Sun and Tesni came running to rescue their siblings but unfortunately the war between Roxana and Altan had already started. Sun being the most powerful, encircled all, casting a protection spell so that the massive heat cannot destroy the earth but he was failing to hold them longer. Tesni was backing up Roxana because she was getting weaker with every passing moment. The eldest sibling kept on screaming that their power would not only destroy earth but also both, so they needed to stop.

But Roxana and Altan were blinded in rage. They ignored all the wise words and their powers met to form a massive blob of fire ready to be erupted at any moment. Sun tried not to use powers to stop all this since his touch could explode everything in spur of a moment. He was trying to talk them out when everything went numb and he was thrown away from the fiery explosion.

Sun gathered his wits to asses the situation. He saw all his family being either pushed away or turn into tiny particles.
He didn’t know but Mother Azura had arrived minutes before the explosion. She understood it’s too late and devastation was inevitable. She used her powers to submerge herself into the black sky so she could hold her children together and to absorb their enormous powers that was capable of destroying everything in vicinity. Roxana broke into million tiny pieces and her body parts were showered from up above to the ground. Those pieces are called sunstones, in modern times and are present at several places on earth.

Tesni was thrown far away from her home, almost in different galaxy, breaking into million of stars. They say the stars are still moving in some directions.

Altan, like her mother merged into the sky. But he turned into gazillion of black stars which aren’t visible but it’s somewhere there in Mother Azura’s bosom. All of them are moving to form one big star but since they have lost their power it’s difficult to be back in their complete form on their own.

Ever since that horrendous day, Sun used to come up everyday to look for Roxana’s pieces on earth, in a hope he could collect all those and resurrect her.

And everyday he used to set down to look for his other sibling’s pieces, trying to push them together, slowly and gradually, to bring them back. Sun is hopeful that one day they all will be back and live as one family like they used to.

Hello October

I have survived another summer.
I believe I deserve some perks
of sighting exclusive brittle skies and
extra candies of courage you
keep in your side pockets.

I adore you,
for not only being my month
but for the audacity of making
mortal surroundings around change
and to show their true colors.

Leaves fall and my fingers
camp around the handle
of a tea mug placing my bulky
thoughts on a window sill.
My poetries rhyme with
an amber view of art outside
with an orange blanket to
mourn the dead leaves.

You disclose unsullied hope
like freshly painted graffiti walls.
And I being an ardent art lover
quickly buy your bouquet of transformation.
A spectacular change I try
to stretch in my own work.
I know what a horrible
businesswoman I would make of myself.
Do I want to sell tales
and keep buying the inspiration?

Being the last third in number
you make me anxious.
Like those tragic stories of which
the end I know but watch it to
grieve their doomed sunsets before time.
And I wish not to dim blur before time,
before meeting you.
There is a bridge I cross
from January to September
praying to keep my sunsets
and moonrises sharp till
October arrives.
Probably, the only Goodbye I ever
want to bid is in the times of
thousands pumpkins, ghosts
and romances of October eve(s).

Your brownish daylight makes me
hop on a carrier to feed wanderlust.
A flaming-red dream teases and
starts dancing on the edges of my uneasiness.
Like lemon juice dominating
on the crunchy sides of my tongue
twitching away my sad pages,
and reviving my senses.

You are those Friday Nights
I don’t ever want to die away.
Beginning and ending of gold moments.
Just like you!

A picture-perfect month,
I welcome you, knowing
I survived another summer
and will do so again

Dear October,
your crisp beauty makes me believe in Magic.

Aggressive lines of art

The lines in my hand are aggressive.
They have this criss-cross fights
against the others.

Some put up well,
Some mark a scar,
Some lie lifelessly.

Stranger’s eyes read them and
predicts the life I’ll live in future.
Sometimes I’ll put up well, sometimes
I’ll have to earn scars and other times
I will just lie there blandly giving
up on the reasons to fight for.

But as I said, these are aggressive
wrinkles I inherited directly from
those whose grip never dwindled
from their swords.


Sometimes I like the noises around,

It makes me feel less lonely.

It breaks my heart when I witness no one nowadays can talk about how loneliness kills you from inside. The moment your truth is released from the clutches of a rib-caged heart and lands on the soft tip of your lips, you are bombarded with thousands of scriptures written anonymously on how to love thyself. And anyone who had truly known self-love would know how authentic loneliness is. Self-love is about acceptance of whatever you had been feeling. It’s the courage you develop over the years of trembling and tumbling that loneliness is as true of an emotions as happiness, and you must be okay to face it.
If day exists how can one deny the existence of night. You need a torch light especially walking on a dark path and without its existence the light would lose its meaning. I have seen so many people feeling it, agreeing along with movie dialogue’s but never admitting to it. The fear, the fear that you feel lonely can make people judge you so harshly, that the easy way is to shut the mouth, shut the soul who feels it, shut the mind that reminds it.
This saddens me to the core how disposable human’s feelings have become. We humans were meant to feel everything and then walking on a path of deciding which one to feed more to keep us going but what do we do, we filter out on the basis of pretending eyes. Eyes which were shrieking of parallel vulnerabilities but wearing blinkers of lies of what they had been feeling all this time.

This is true, loneliness doesn’t mean you don’t have people around, it means you don’t have right set of people around but sometimes even if you have, even if you love yourself it crowns you like a melancholic demon. It’s one of the emotion like others. You are allowed to feel it and all you have to do is not get consumed by this demon.
But how sad it is to not being able to share it with anyone when maximum of the population goes through the same emotion.
If you have one person to whom you can say
‘i am not okay’
‘i am feeling lonely’
and that person just hears you out with no judgements or counseling then you are luckier than you think.

I had started the path of becoming like that person long ago, and I hope I reach there one day.

Happy Daughter’s Day

While you carry the entire
world on your shoulders;
There is a tiny being
preparing herself to be
your support system
even before you get older.

That tiniest version of
your authentic self,
making sure you never
give up on your self-belief(s).

Goodness in her eyes
purity in mind;
Those little feet
gives you the wings to fly.

They so much become like you
yet so much challenge you
and sometimes, even
protect you like you’d do.

A best friend you receive
directly through the heavens.

The next person
who’d be your backbone
after your mother;
is your own daughter.

The Pawn Shop

If ever I got a chance
to pick a magical object
at the pawn shop then it
would be a crescent blade
that can cut off pain
from the happy memories.

I had tried and tried so hard
but had not been able to
re-live the flakes of moments
without dissing myself
and throwing into the pit of
overgrowing melancholy.
I wondered the poetry
I exhaled is a cure
of a damaged heart
but all it did was
gracefully become
an active volcano
exploding to an extent
that numbed my sensory organs
and showed me a naked
truth of poems being
a catalyst in crackling fire in me.

The Evil Queen X Dr. Frankenstein

What if I told you that I am that ‘Evil Queen’ who, pragmatically, established the clear boundaries of evil against the good with a help of an apple? What if I told you the mirror I was infamously portrayed with, was no magical but a concrete reality that unveiled my harrowed insecurities and loathly self, who only wanted to feel better of herself but kept misquoting her worth through a lowly piece of glass.

What if I confess that it wasn’t my dark magic that conjured up all the poison in that apple but the debris of my self-respect which was smothered under the pretense of an ugly face I carried, by all those bullies who knew nothing about looking beyond the pale, helpless skin. When I was falling off over the destroyed precipice of my innocent self, no one paid heed to a good heart before calling me a wicked soul.

What if I told you the time has gone by and the Snow White(s) of today isn’t a synonym of fairest skin and purest heart? Or who is to know in the former era, who the actual evil was? The stories are told and briefcase-d the way it suits the purpose of the past and the message to be sent across into the future.

That poisoned apple was a reply to all those criticism I had to endure because of those bullies. And believe me, evil isn’t born in a single night but sculpted through tremendous hate and hostility, forcefully hammering distaste inside and axing out the appreciable parts.

The reason it was taken out from the pages of history or better-called fiction, is because it held shreds of evidence of a crossover with Dr. Frankenstein, when I begged him to revive my innocent self while I was on the verge of losing it but what unleashed was was a monster that killed everyone in its way, even the people most loved by it. That apple was an embodied version of a poisoned monster I never knew existed in me before I met the fiend one, called discrimination.


A part of me is holding back tears
as though these have found a
permanent home in me.
My hands clench in a fist so those
tears have a shrinking companion
when my body stands stubborn as hell.
What has gotten into me that every
breath I heave feels like it’s dissipating
from under a large boulder placed
on top of my lungs?

My toes have a funny way of pulling
itself in and out before it places it’s
foundation on a doormat of my heart;
that has been wet for so long and no
one had cared enough to dry it for me,
not even I, myself.
Probably, the tears I hold back has an
empty sense to rhythm with a clear sky
turning it into thunderous monster rain.

Does my sanity keeps touching the ground
to know if I’m still present in this world?
Or is it another episode of deja-vu
where my insanity reminds me of a barren
mind I possess?

When the night sky confessed….

I was never a speck of dust
but a journal of those scattered souls
who poured their siphoned poetries
in an attempt of re-writing their fairytales.
My 3am sapphire blank pages
caped with teary storm
had a funny way of
seeping sadness in sleepless souls.
A hugh blue hue carpet
I possessed at ascended heights
that didn’t kill but kept them
afloat on mayhem of daydreams.
It was me who cried hard
but the people below, the empaths,
silently tasted my sad whispers
and instead took a rain check
on their dreams.