Why is it most of the times
we only see a part of the rainbow?
It’s to make you believe that
even when you don’t get everything,
you still get a piece that’s worth living for.
Why is it most of the times
we only see a part of the rainbow?
It’s to make you believe that
even when you don’t get everything,
you still get a piece that’s worth living for.
See! You never knew. Your beauty could never be captured through undeserving hands.
P.C – Pinterest
I feel okay many a time but safe, rarely.
There are extremely few occasions where my body, mind, thoughts, or heart feel safe. That place is as holy as a shrine for me. My ever-so wandering mind takes away the pleasures so damn easily from me and insults are the first thing it recognizes as something own. Sanity falls through the air and suddenly the person, place, or the vibe ain’t the safe space anymore for me. It’s like feeling safe is so limited.
The more I wanted to
scream my pain out,
The better listener I became.
Thinking how badly
others would have wanted it too.
~ to pour it all out.
Something nudged me awake around midnight.
I got up to see. Turns out the storm made windows pane cracked.
I tried looking for the glass piece and spotted in the bed with my throat slit.
“C’mon, smile. We are here for you”
cheered others.
“But why do these humans have to bang MY head to relieve their OWN stress”,
wailed the EnterKey