Like the stars…

You’re like the stars in the sky

I saw in my childhood
twinkling, smiling down at me
assuring me of a beautiful darkness.
That the places I choose to be
I’d be followed faithfully
with a poetic hope
that nights are
as influential as the light.



When blue was vibrant
And the taste craved was white currant
Giant desires insisted
To go overboard and be a tyrant

“What’s in the diet?”, questioned heart
Outraged Mind, so prepared a chart.
“No cheat day, anymore stud”
Designs were made for your fat to shunt

“How about we clinch and come to an alignment”
Little did they know about the upcoming arrangement
“Let’s choose the day when sky chooses blue”
Since it was an era when heaven bore every hue.

So Mind agreed, no reasons to be defiant
One day in a VIBGYOR week, was the new alliance
No one knew, why sky took a tweak
Ever since that day, blue was there—every day, every week

Happy Women’s Day

One more time
I drowned in emotions
One more time they were
Deeper than the grieving oceans
Knees on ground
Head bowed down
A hard slap on my earnest devotion
Miracle struck
In the midst of treacheries
A firm grip tore down my story’s convolutions
Was it a man?
Was it an angel?
That strong zeal could lead the mountains in motion
Well, it was a ‘she’
A fearless warrior,
a fire worth creating & destroying a life
Carrying enormous amount of love potion…


Happy women’s day to all the lovely ladies and to all the Men loving supporting and respecting her. Love to all