Look at me and
You can see your heartbeat.
An eyeful inspection &
You can see your own dreams.
Peep through your own soul
And You’d find me.
I were you and you were me
Ever since the first gaze.
A rough draft of your future
Gained a foothold on my devotion
Our clumsy Gluttony fondness
Found each other with hungry keenness
Look for that appetite
And you’d find your own cravings.
Bare out the constraints &
You’d see an incredible acceptance,
An acknowledgement,
An approval
Of your melting wounds dying to be healed.
Look for that magical potion and
You’d find your sorcerer.
I’m the chalice of your conjured up magic
The magic which exists only between you and I.
Magic that bewitched us
Throwing us into an exquisite eternal maze
For I were you and you were me ….
Ever since the first gaze.