Chapter Girl

I’m just a chapter girl
a girl from a random part of the story no one remembers.
I’m the girl friends forget to invite.
I’m the girl cousins don’t mention to their kids.
An NPC in my own game.
I’m not the girl you root for in a novel,
Just a bystander, a friend of a friend of the protagonist,
existing only to push them further in their story.
I’m a girl far from popularity,
a girl who is good in college
not good enough for the hall of fame,
nor bad enough to linger in the minds and
tongues of teachers or professors.
I exist. I just exist.
In a square, a block, walled in on every side.
My role is limited to a single chapter,
where no one remembers that I never got closure,
not even the writers themselves.


One Reply to “Chapter Girl”

  1. It is a wonderfully deep poem, churning up all sorts of ideas. Well done, and while maybe just a “chapter girl,” without you, the magnum opus would never be…. so thank you, as we are all playing a similar role 😊.

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