I want to be your HOME!

What is- Home??

A mere place where one resides,

four walls giving you shelter from an unpredictable weather,

few coordinates to dwell yourself in permanently


a place filled with peace & serenity, where you forget the worries and find solace in its arms, the same spot which awaits your return no matter how many ungodly hours it takes.

Home is the private territory in this public world which you boldly & blatantly call your own.

I want to be your HOME.

When you are restless or in distress, feeling anxious or dejected I want you to come back HOME. When you want your soul to be at rest, your heart to feel peace

when you look for that little hope of tranquility in the struggle of appeasing people & their powerful minds, I know you miss home.

It is when you yearn for that strongest desire just to be loved no matter what or who you are.

I want to be the power driving that desire inside you.

You go the distance in search of better survival, to explore or to meet new people – offering them special place in your heart hoping to spend the life you wished but still somewhere, in the tiniest of your thoughts, you miss your HOME.

But that home awaits you patiently because No matter how far you go, no matter how happy or low you feel one always longs to come back home. It’s the only place where one belongs to.

For you when meet hardships or reach at loggerheads and see no path, you then think of that protected shield.

I want to be that shield for you.

There are times when our world gets disintegrated,…. dismantled. Avalanches of dreams, desires coming down and turning into dust.

The worse starts where our own brain starts playing tricks and seeks no one’s help. When we feel totally abandoned and our heart experiences worthless, insubstantial emptiness inside.

I want to take that emptiness to fill it with all warmth and tenderness which can ease your ache.

I want to be the one who can salve your pain.

Like a home, I wait patiently. Always wishing to hear your carefree laughter, the sound of which made my life feel happy &contended.

Amidst those suffering & turbulence in life one ray of hope is needed that can negate the pain afflicted, I want to be that ray of hope. I want to be the person you can call home.

I want to be your HOME!


18 March #NewMoon in #Pisces is very auspicious. It is celebrated as the Vedic New Year, #Ugadi #GudiPadwa, spring #Navratri, nine nights of the goddess. Creation was said have begun with New Moon in Pisces, the chart tells us of what the world can expect in the coming year.


Navratri, the nine-day #Hindu festival, is a celebration of Shakti (power). The festival which has a deep religious significance is celebrated five times a year.

The pious days waiting for you to visit your own divinity. Conscious detachment and cleansing of mind, body and soul. Saadhna and Dhyaana should be ruling the hours making you potent with positivity. Navratra is “Indriyo ki Saadhna”, avoid feasting rather take falahar as prasadam. Get to know your pace, your Shakti, realise your core, visit your energies and aura and blossom like a bud swinging in fresh spring breeze!

The scientific basis behind Navratri is that there are four treatises for one year in the orbital period of the Sun, from which the two main Navratras of the year fall in the circular treaties falling in the months of March and September. At present, there us a high probsboly of germ attack. Physical illness often increase in seasonal treaties. Therefore, the process to be healthy at that time, keep the body pure, keep the mind clean and completely healthy, is called “Navratri”.

Our body is said to be nine doors and, the name of the life force (Jivani Shakti that resides within it) is the name of Goddess Durga. So in order to establish discipline, cleanliness, harmony in these main senses, the festival of purification of nine gates is celebrated for nine days to keep the body system functioning smoothly for the whole year. To give importance to them personally, nine days are named for the nine Durgas.

May my Goddess Durga empower You and your family With her nine swaroopa of name Fame, Health, Wealth, Happiness, Humanity, Education, Bhakti & Shakti …
May my Goddess illuminate your life with countless blessings of happiness, love and good fortune.

Application of above Blessings and enriched Selflessness will surely drive away all the malicious Vibrant realms of the Mind and the Brilliant Sparks of Righteousness and Humaneness devoid of all Barriers will come into Existence.

Happy Navratri
Happy Vedic Hindu New Year
Happy Gudi Padwa.


By: Kash Baby


Word of the Day

While scanning my phone nonchalantly, something caught my attention instantly.

It was word of the day.

busticate- to break into pieces.

Nothing special, the usual notification from another app.

But something in me stirred. I read word by word, slowly. Each syllable felt like it was calling out to something I don’t understand yet feel it.

To. Break. Into. Pieces.

I looked further for a sentence. I never myself knew how to use it properly.

It said “Elephants really busticate trees”.

And I said “Humans really busticate humans”.

What a perfect word to produce to save time of people when they want to say that they are broken into pieces. Or may be people who are broken end up finding unfamiliar inclination towards the phrase ‘broken into pieces’, with the outburst of indignation due to helplessness over the situation.

They are broken. Into pieces. And yet they have the confidence to rise again, love again, and be themselves again. Those are my favorite kind of people.

There was nothing special in the word I read today, however, it felt obligatory to pay respect to all those who went through it, suffered hard, and rose shining brighter than ever before.

Love you all.

And love yourself.

I don’t know if it’s correct or not still-
Don’t busticate because of anyone. You deserve much more.

Beauty Inside Out

Brushes of Golden spark,
Igniting enigmatic eyes….
Bringing out the beauty inside out.

Often they say “you’re beautiful”,
Seldom they mean…
Invariably unfailingly they match beauty inside and out.

Capricious souls, always on lookout
Claiming to love roses with thorns…
Petrified with inside beauty if blown out.

Malignant steps attempting to curb the blaze
Demanding normality…
For they dread the glowing light shining out

It’s time to oppose the crowd
Leaving those hollow soothings unanswered…
Use that helpless wonder for the fears to break out.

As the sun sets to rest
Glorious reality checking in…
Take that burning desire to shine from inside and out.

दुआ (Blessing)

‌हर वो शख्स जो गवाह था मेरे बिखर जाने का,
तूझे दुआ दे गया किसी ओर को पाने की…


Each one of them who witnessed me crumbling into pieces because of you,
Beseeched God to bless you with someone else.